
Part # XB1014-QT
Key features

21.0 dB Small Signal Gain
+22.0 dBm Psat
+20.0 dBm P1dB
+30.5 dBm Output IP3
Variable Gain with Adjustable Bias
3x3mm, QFN
100% RF, DC and Output Power Testing


Mimix Broadband’s three stage 37.0-40.0 GHz GaAs 
MMIC buffer amplifier has a small signal gain of 21.0 dB 
and 20.0 dBm P1dB output compression point. The 
device also provides variable gain regulation with 
adjustable bias. The device is ideally suited as an LO or RF 
buffer stage with broadband performance at a very low 
cost. The device comes in an RoHS compliant 3x3mm 
QFN surface mount package offering excellent RF and 
thermal properties. 

Frequency (GHz) 34.0-40.0
Gain (dB) 20.0
Gain Flatness (dB) +/-0.5
Noise Figure (dB) 6.0
Output IP3 (dBm) +20.0
OIP3 (dBm) +30.0
Bias (mA @ V) 250 @ 4.0
Package () -QT (3x3 mm)
Markets () S / P / D
Typical Applications

This device is well suited for 
Microwave and Millimeter-wave Point-to-Point Radio, 
LMDS, SATCOM and VSAT applications.